© 2020 Umami Burger copyright

All rights reserved. 


Chad, an awkward 14 year old on a quest to become popular in high school, has partnered with Umami to create something that celebrates his heritage and tastes the way popularity feels – amazing.

To make sure you remember his name, he named the burger Chad. So now when you think of Chad, you'll never forget this burger. Order Chad and watch Chad's journey on Tuesdays, starting April 6 at 10:30pm PST on TBS. #WHOISCHAD



To celebrate the launch of the new show “Chad” on the TBS network on April 6, 2021, visit the Umami Burger store locations in the Grove, Santa Monica, and downtown Los Angeles, California, during regular location hours on April 6, 2021 to get a free limited-edition “Chad” burger, while supplies last. Limit one (1) burger per person. Burgers cannot be customized or substituted, except at the discretion of Umami Burger. Individuals with food allergies should carefully review the ingredients for the “Chad” before accepting this offer, and do so at their own risk. Offer has no cash value. TBS and Umami Burger reserve the right to cancel or modify this offer. This offer is not being fulfilled by TBS, and TBS is not responsible for the fulfillment of this offer.

Neither is Chad. He has enough to deal with this year